
Metung is a small Village located on a narrow peninsula of land separating Bancroft Bay and Lake King situated in East Gippsland and the standard of pet friendly accommodation is extremely high and very popular.

The main activities in Metung are of a boating and fishing nature, but Metung is also known for it's scenic walks. You may also choose to visit one of the Metung area's many galleries, the food trails, wineries or hire a boat and explore the many hidden beauties of the pet friendly 90 Mile Beach.

Located between the busy centres of Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance, Metung atracts tourists to its pet friendly accommodation venues in large numbers, not only in summer when the weather is warm but also during the winter months when the East Gippsland area often tops the State of Victoria temperatures.

Next time you are thinking of heading away for a break it is highly recommended that you consider the range of pet friendly accommodation choices in and around Metung and enjoy the wonderful hospitality of the Metung locals. Take a look at the pet friendly accommodation that is available to you on the pages of this pet friendly website.

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