About Us
In July 2014 I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity of solely purchasing 'www.petfriendly.com.au' after having been a partner from when it began in January 2011.
Changes are being made regularly to try to make the site easier to navigate and there are plans for more improvements, especially in marketing, search engine optimization and OnLine Booking.
This latest version of 'Pet Friendly' was introduced in May 2018 to keep up-to-date with the needs of 'Pet Friendly' Aussies in their search for Pet Friendly Accommodation and Pet Services throughout Australia, as well as to meet with the ever-changing requirements needed for search engine optimisation.
There are now 21 different categories for all Australian Pet Lovers to browse, so all pet-related businesses in Australia will have the opportunity to increase their profile and gain financial benefit at a very low cost. If they don’t already, every Australian Pet Owner will know about us and be using www.petfriendly.com.au on a regular basis, if not daily.The annual fee of $77.00 for Pet Friendly Accommodation Listings and $33.00 for Pet Services Listings will allow every business to list with ‘Pet Friendly’ as it is not only very affordable, but also a wise investment for Business Owners/Managers to increase their profit margin.
Yes, there are competitors out there, but I believe in what I am doing and that there is a real need for a comprehensive 'Pet Friendly' website in Australia. With a lot of hard work and your invited input, we can together provide a site that will fill a huge gap in the 'Pet World', an Australian-Owned and Operated 'Pet Friendly' website that actually provides the information and answers to ALL pet-related queries.
I purchased the domain name back in 2004 with the aim of one day providing a service to all Australian Pet Lovers and owning the name ‘Pet Friendly’ makes me proud, because that is what I am, and that is what people search for, and when that happens all over Australia, a lot of people and their pets will be very happy.
I have received a lot of very encouraging comments to date and implemented a lot of your ideas, and with your support and invited suggestions, we will all be able to benefit from this much-needed website, www.petfriendly.com.au .
Hoping to catch up with you on this exciting ‘Pet Friendly’ journey
……………………… and please tell your friends about 'Pet Friendly'!